EIMP President Sebastian Remøy and Executive Director Mihailo Jovetic had the pleasure on 6 October to meet with Richard Gingras, Vice President of News at Google, exchanging views on the current status of the news media sector, recent policy and legislative developments – both in Europe and globally, and the work that needs to be done to move towards a future landscape that bolsters media pluralism and competitiveness in the news media sector.
EIMP representatives reiterated the role of the association in Europe and vis-à-vis European Union institutions, its activities in terms of giving a voice to local, independent, and digital publishers, and also how it is strengthening the network amongst its members. The discussion also touched upon EIMP’s continued expansion – most recently in Poland and Hungary, and concluded that while European news media policy has come a long way in recent years, a lot of work lies ahead in terms of making founded and informed contributions to policy initiatives and debates, thereby ensuring media pluralism and a level playing field in the sector.